Sharing my life with those who either don't have one or who are interested in what I have to say. For your sake I hope it's the latter. Kudos to you either way. ;D

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Drivers Ed Is Over!

Alrighty, it has been a very long time since I last blogged. Like, two or three weeks? Waaaay toooooo looonnnng.
So, I'm just going to update you with a couple posts, hopefully they won't be too long for your span of interest.

Okay, so Drivers Education is the main reason that I haven't updated in a while. But, that was only like two weeks long, so it isn't my only excuse.
Drivers Ed is over now, thankfully!
It was three hours every night from 3:30-6:30. It started Wednesday-Friday, Monday-Friday, and then Monday and Tuesday. It was SO BORING.

The guy who teaches it, Mr. Woods, is super nice. Which made me feel bad every time I nearly dozed off while he was talking. He really liked drawing different scenarios at four-way stops on a little white board he had, and then showing what to do if this happens, or if this is here, or this etc., etc. And all of the movies we watched? Wow, that is something: what people have made. Some of them were okay, some were boring, some were stupid, a few were funny, and the last one was like a snooze-fest. We watched it on the last day and I kept nearly falling asleep. My eyes would start to close and my head would start to nod and then I'd snap back awake only to have it start all over again.

No, I haven't taken my permit test yet. I don't know when I will, I want my permit and I don't want it.

I have one funny thing to say about Drivers Training, and you better laugh because I thought it was hilarious and frustrating at the same time. Basically, don't get me started about it. But, to share, this is what happened.

Mr. Woods was talking about stop and yield signs. It's pretty obvious what to do at a stop sign: you stop. Basically, it's pretty self-explanatory. At a yield sign you: yield to traffic with the right-of-way. Yes, I get it, it's sort of common sense. He finished talking about stop and yield signs and said, 'That's stop and yield signs in a nutshell.' Yay, we learned about stop and yield signs. Do you want to know how long the 'nutshell' was? 1 hour! That doesn't sound long, but it really was! 1 hour of stopping and yielding! That was all he talked about! It was so boring! I almost laughed out loud when he said it was in a nutshell. A nutshell is less than 5 minutes! That was an hour! And now I could rant about it for a long and redundant time. But I won't. (all of you are saying 'thank you!' right now, lol)

So, yeppy, Drivers Ed is over and you should be as happy as I am. : )

God bless!
Drive safe!
♥ ~Tara

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