All in all, 1408 keeps you guessing. Or, it kept me guessing. I'm not a huge horror fan so I don't have many movies to compare it to. It's based on a novel by Stephen King. It has a lot of chills and 'gotcha!' moments. But mostly it's phsycotic. While you are watching him in the room, after stuff starts getting weird, you are in the same boat as he is. Wondering, what in the world is going on here?! Trying to figure it out. And then later on, especially when he is talking to the fridge/the hotel manager, you start to wonder if any of this stuff is really happening. Is he insane? Is he really out of the room? Is he really in the room? Is he safe? What is he going to do now? What can he do now?
The movie was pretty good, I liked it quite a lot.
One of my favorite parts, as small a role it plays, is when the room is on fire and the numbers on the door, the 1408, melts or, if you will, bleeds. I love that bit of imagery, it's very dramatic. My really favorite part, like a favorite scene, I'm not sure. I liked the 'You are here' with the arrow on the map as well.
Scenes, think scenes.
Okay, well I liked the book signing and when he was trying to tell the guy in the building across from the hotel to call 9-1-1. Waving his arms and yelling to get his attention, and then the mans peculiar response. That was expected, but still gave me the chills.
But I hated the ending. Does it keep going on in a continuous loop, or is he finally free? What about him and his wife, do they get back together? And Katy? Was it all really real? Did it happen? I know he has the tape recorder as proof, but still. Is it really the end? I'm not sure, but yes, I'd recommend it to practically everyone. Definitely not for people who don't like horror. But I hope that 1408 will become a classic movie, I think it deserves the honor.
If you've seen it, please share your thoughts. It was interesting, and I'd love to share thoughts about it; know what you think.

Oh, right:
Congratulations are in order. I am worried about our future though, no matter who took the Presidency, this is going to be very tough for Obama. I hope that he can do it, and that our country was right to elect him.
God bless!
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