Yep, that's what I did: Dedicated a corner of my room to some hilarious comics, a few of which still make me laugh out loud. Maybe I don't laugh hysterically, but I still laugh. These are a few of my favorite comics:
^^ This is Ollie and Quentin. Usually good for a laugh.
^^For Better or For Worse--Really cute strip that usually coaxes a smile from me. :)
^^Dilbert--I used to think it was so Dullbert(haha, laugh, you know you want to), and I hated this strip, but now I've come to really enjoy it. The past few weeks it's been really funny.
^^F Minus--Clever is all I have to say. Almost always laugh out loud worthy.
^^Cul De Sac -- I recently discovered this strip, and it is so wonderful! It really reminds me of childhood, and is slightly reminiscent, for me at least, of Calvin and Hobbes-My all-time favorite comic strip. I bought a few Calvin and Hobbes Book Collections, I like them so much!
^^Get Fuzzy--!!!!Used to not find this strip too funny. But now, whoa, usually it's hilarious and I laugh out loud. XD
^^Zits--Probably my favorite strip in the Sunday Comics. They are so true, and I love the humor. Not so much a LOL strip, but it makes me smile and remember all sorts of things that have happened to me or people I know that the strip reminded me of. XD!
Alright, that's it, hope you enjoyed!
Share what your fave comics are, I'm open to new comics. :D, that sounds funny.
Love you guys!
God bless!
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