I have no idea why, but occasionally I will fall in love with a movie that is fairly cheap and has borderline acting. Well, actually, mostly the acting was good, it was just the plot that had a few wrinkles.
I don't know, it just happens.
It has Chris Marquette, who I immediately pegged as 'the friend from The Invisible!'. He is much better in this movie, and he was my favorite character, easy to pick out with his green hair. I'll upload the trailer for ya'll.
The movie's not rated, but I'd give it a PG-13. What I read on the website was for Violence, Language, and Suggestive Behavior. Something like that. I had no problem really with it, but then I am not exactly a great judge of these sorts of things since I go to high school and hear so much of this stuff that it doesn't bother me any more because it's more like a cultural thing. Or a stupid teen thing. Either way, check it out for yourself.
The movie is about four friends who decide to rob a bank on graduation day because it's a small town and everyone will be gone. They need the money to pay medical bills for one of the kid's mom, who has cancer. It goes incredibly smooth until one little mix-up that sends the whole movie crashing.
Ending was highly unlikely, as was the whole movie, but I still liked it.

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