Sharing my life with those who either don't have one or who are interested in what I have to say. For your sake I hope it's the latter. Kudos to you either way. ;D

Saturday, January 31, 2009


I have been sick, it's true, for the majority of the week. Missed two days and 8 out of 9 periods-worth of school. Lots of homework.
Not fun.
As I just told my brother, I am sick of being sick.
However, that did not stop my mom(who, along with my dad, I seem to have infected with my sickness :-o), from dragging us all to go snowshoeing for the first time. I'm sure you can tell how I felt about that. But, my attitude changed.
Today was a, heh heh, 'warm' Minnesota day. It was probably 30-35 degrees out where we were. Which is spectacular and felt great since last weekend we were all subzero. I didn't even wear a coat.(smart, really, I know, me being sick and all) (sarcasm people) (making these little bracket things (these()) is fun)
Anyways, stay focused Tara, it was a gorgeous day. Practically no wind at all, sun shining for the most part. We went to the building where people talked to us about snowshoeing, showed how to put snowshoes on, and made us play one of those 'get to know you' games. (My name is Tara, I like Art, and I'm okay at Art)[I couldn't think of anything better to say]
Then we picked out a pair of snowshoes and went outside to put them on. Getting them on wasn't too hard, not with the kind I had chosen, and I was surprised to be one of the first people done. Rachel had come with us, :-D , and we talked for a while while we waited for people to finish getting their snowshoes on. Rachel is, in the nicest way possible, prone to slipping, falling, and especially tripping. We were both concerned about falling with the snowshoes on, and our first few steps were very careful.
It was strange, once we were on the trail with the whole group, after we had gone for a while, the snowshoes started to feel normal. Like I had adapted to them. Let me tell you though, it is a workout, you burn like 400-600 calories an hour, if I remember right. And because you have to keep a wider stance, it works a different group of muscles too. My legs were very tired towards the end.
The scenery was of utmost beauty. There were lots of dry golden leaves still on the trees. The snow blanketed everything and whatever it didn't cover was sharp and crisp because of the wonderful contrast. It was very refreshing.
To swallow my pride, I will say that I fell at least twice. But I got right back up.
I had a lot of fun. I would recommend snowshoeing to everyone. As the ladies who led us said, 'anyone who can walk can snowshoe', and they were right.
That was my first time snowshoeing. Probably won't be my last. I was being stupid and didn't even think to bring my camera, though I wish I had. There were lots of potential great shots.
Although, with all those people, I might not have wanted to stop and slow everyone behind me down.
So, yep, I had a lot of fun. I am super tired.
Tomorrow I am going to tackle the rest of my homework.
Heads up to my friends at school, I will definitely be needing help.
A special thanks to Emily for making me go home on Friday. It means a lot that you care so much, and I will never forget how you said, 'You sound gross. Go home.' Thank you so much, I love you. I think I will be coming back Monday, but now I'm not so sure. Probably.
God bless you all
Enjoy the weather, if the weather happens to be nice where you are. Don't walk out in an ice storm or tornado, please.
With much much much much love

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you did that! sounds like a lot of fun, wish I could have done it with you! I hope you had enough strength when you did it, were you sick when you did?


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