Sharing my life with those who either don't have one or who are interested in what I have to say. For your sake I hope it's the latter. Kudos to you either way. ;D

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Sorry...Again//Essay #1 Child War Casualty

I need to keep updating this blog. I just stopped. Sorry about that. There is a slight want but not much desire, if that makes sense. With school I'm trying to stay a little busy, not really but sort of. I have been gifted with an English teacher who actually teaches, praise the Lord, so the essays have been refreshing. She even reads the essays! I missed having a good teacher.

Anyways, one of my favorite essays to write so far this year has been Child War Casualty. Basically she showed us a slide show of a bunch of different war-type themes, posing the question 'How would one of the people in the picture respond to fighting for independence?'. I chose the picture entitled Child War Casualty. This is the essay I wrote about it, yes I am American and yes, I share some of the views I gave the man in the picture.

Here is the picture, so you can see for yourselves, and below is my essay. Comment, please. Agree, disagree? I like opinions.

Child War Casualty

There is no such thing as independence. Always, someone will hold power over me. I believed my country would succeed in its revolution. I believed that we would become a democracy. I believed it, how foolish I was! Even in democracy there are laws and people telling others what to do. No, independence is only a whisper of an unachievable dream. The United States lies when it claims to be “independent”. Americans still have laws telling them what to do, they may have more freedom than I and my countrymen, but they are a far cry from independence.

I had wanted to go to the United States earlier in my life. I thought that their so-called “independence” would be what I had sought after my entire existence. But when my mother became sick and died of AIDS and my father and half of our village was murdered by soldiers, whether they were soldiers fighting for independence or soldiers trying to crush the revolution I do not know, I gave up all of my dreams. I decided that all I needed was to live and protect my baby sister. My innocent baby sister, who, at seven, didn’t know any life other than the mixture of war, pain, and suffering that she was exposed to every day, was still able to make jokes and play simple games. My dreams had died, but I still held hope; hope that I would be able to give my sister a full life.

I remember the day my hope died. I was at the market, trying to barter for something edible to feed my starving sister. She was at our village, over a mile away, playing with the other malnourished children who were still able. I heard the bomb before I saw it. When I came out from hiding and saw the smoke of the fires in the direction of my village, my heart clenched. I started running, sprinting, to my home and my sister. I had never run so fast in my life but it still took much too long to get to her.

Debris covered everything, and the smoke was so thick I could hardly breathe. Eyes watering so much that I could not see, I walked down the crude roads I had traversed my entire life, knowing them by memory. The majority of the bomb’s blast had hit the center of the village. I was thankful that our house was set on the border. A house with thin walls and dirt floors is no match for a bomb. Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw. The stone building in front of my house had thrown itself almost completely apart, the large rocks flying in every direction from the explosion. Two had gone directly through my house, collapsing it.

It took me no more than five minutes to dig under the debris and find my sister. She was still warm. I picked her up, ignoring the blood that soaked her tattered clothing and ignoring the truth of her death. I walked out of the village, staring down into her face the whole time, crying and unable to stop. Now she will be just another casualty of the war, another nameless statistic and unmarked grave. Fighting for independence caused her death. Independence, the unachievable vision, is stealing the lives of millions. I could never fight for something that takes so many lives and offers only the condolence of “their deaths were for a good cause”. There is no good cause for early death.

Friday, September 25, 2009

MmitchellDaviss // What's Going On In My Brain

pretty cool.
i think he actually helped shoot the My Children My Bride music video, pretty awesome.
check out all those crazy crowd surfers! CRAZY

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Most Awkward Interview

i haven't said anything in forever.
Here is a Mitchell Davis video as a peace offering.
hehe, funny peeps

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Random YouTube Video

I found this on accident.
It's called 'Tyler Vs. The Warrior Children'.
I was looking for videos of 'The Warriors', a movie I just recently saw with my dad and I wanted to see it again.

This video....It really amused me. I liked it. It seemed like it would have been a lot of fun. Except for I probably would have been Tyler. Still fun though. : )

Monday, August 3, 2009

I'm back

Actually I have been back for over a month....Just not blogging. Obviously.

Vacation was totally awesome.
I'm pretty sure that Oregon is my favorite state. It was so incredible. God really worked wonders on the land there.

I went to TEC also.
It stands for Teens Encounter Christ. Yeah....I didn't want to go.

But, it actually was incredible. I enjoyed it and took some stuff away from it. I'd say that everyone should go. I can't really say what all happened because it's all a secret. But it was powerful, or, it is if you allow yourself to be changed by it and open your mind and tear your walls down. It was hard for me, I like to stay guarded you know? But I let them in, listened like always, and learned and pondered and thanked God. It was great, and I think I'm going to talk about it in church, maybe next Sunday or something. But next Sunday I'm in the nursery, so I'm not sure. I need to write about it.

This weekend my parents had their 20th Wedding Anniversary! I just bought them two roses in a vase and I can't wait for them to get home from Wisconsin. I'm taking a break from cleaning to write this and watch Roseanne and eat lunch.
Hehe, I like to multitask.

Not very much longer and I will see my brother again! Only about three weeks. I am excited. I can't wait to see him!

I should go now, but here's a little heads-up: I'm going to be changing my blog. Now it's going to be more like normal blogs and less like a public diary. See, I think it'll be good for me to be able to just write about stuff. Like a blog (Life at Willow Manor) that I follow (sort of *-*). I don't know how she gets her ideas, but I want to do more stuff like that--pick an item or something and talk about it. Well, we'll see how it goes.

May God watch over all of you!
With love

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Fourth

Fireworks blazing in the sky made the perfect end to the perfect day.

I love going to my cousins' cabin next to the lake.
I love going tubing behind the boat, holding on for dear life but still falling into the water that isn't as cold as I thought it would be.
I love eating the newly grilled hamburgers with fresh fruit and lots of desserts.
I love to spend time with the people I love.
I love the fireworks that make the crackly sound after they explode.

My day had all of that, and a little more.

I hope you all had a wonderful Fourth!

May God Keep You

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Don't you just love the word 'hiatus'?
I do. Ever since I first saw it on some one's web page and had no idea what it meant I fell in love with it. It is a beautiful word, and nice to act on.
If you don't know, a hiatus is like a vacation. Going on hiatus means that you'll be away for a while. You get the picture.

Yes, you guessed it, I am going on hiatus. (I just love that word!)

My kitten, Tux, is staying at my friend Darren's house. He and his family will take extra good care of her, I'm sure.
Rachel and her brother are taking care of our house.

We, my mom, dad, and I, are going on vacation. We're going to California. I can't wait, it's so beautiful from the things I've heard and pictures I've seen. At least, we'll try to go to California. I'm not sure if the 'new' used van we just bought can make it. (Luckily my dad's an automechanic so he can pretty much take care of us if it does break down, but still.) Hopefully it can.

I am signed up for a TEC (Teens Encounter Christ) thing.
Heh, yes, me and TEC. I can't say I'm really a fan of 'let's get into our small groups and talk'. I'm not exactly a fan of small groups period. But you don't want to hear about this.

I heard from my brother today! Well, indirectly, but it was still him! He wrote a letter to Rachel and she just got it yesterday and so she brought it by today. It was so sweet. Wow, I love my brother so much he is just great! Now I have his address so I can write to him! Vacation will be weird without him, but hopefully we'll still have a good time. I think we will. I'll have to tell him all about it. :]

I'm not sure when I'll be able to update you again. We're leaving super-early tomorrow morning.

Oh! I just watched 'Son of Rambow' and it was hilarious. I could not stop laughing. I recommend it to pretty much everyone. Yes, it was super corny and cheesy and terrible special effects, but it was awesome! I'm not sure why, but it just was. I will need to get it again when my bro comes home so he can watch it. The added bonus was that everyone had a British accent! Well, except for that French dude who, obviously, had a heavy French accent.

Maybe I'll get a YouTube video with some of my favorite parts or something like that. One part I kept laughing for at least a minute after it was over. It wasn't that funny, but it just struck me and stuck with me. I still laugh when I think about it. :-O

Drop me a message, e-mail ( ), or otherwise.

May God watch over you!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

New Pictures

Me, Tux, and Snowball
Me and Tux. Look at those blue braces!

Adam Lambert?!

Did anyone else see Adam Lambert on 20/20 last night?

After I watched him I screamed out the window 'Adam Lambert is gay!'.

I was pretty upset. I'm not exactly sure why.

He is so charismatic and charming and I just like him. Why is someone so gifted and with such a great smile and voice and laugh and he's so funny too, why is he gay?

Yea, that's pretty much it. I was freaking out about it all yesterday. If you ever see me in person, don't get me started on it.

Here's a little article about it: Lambert Says He's Gay In Interview Now that has some new info from what all I heard on 20/20, but basically it has what he says.

Strangely his mom seems OK with him being gay. That was, in my opinion, the most interesting part of the interview. Adam was talking about when his mom finally asked him if he was gay. It was like in a limo or something coming back from an 'American Idol' thing. (This might be misquoted, but it pretty much went like this.)

"My mom looked at me and she was like soooo. Do you have a girlfriend? I said no. Then she asked well, do you want a girlfriend? No, not really. Do you want a boyfriend? Yeah, that would be kind of nice."

Then both him and his mom said they stayed up talking all night. She said that she always knew. He loved to play dress-up and sing and dance and he knew he was different from the other boys in High School.

He said last night, jokingly, that he had always had a fascination with glitter. Then he laughed and said, 'I guess I just stereotyped myself'.

Umm, that is pretty much it. I just needed to share that all with you. :s


Friday, June 12, 2009

The Dance!

The dance was so incredibly awesome!

I don't even know what to call it. I want to say interpretive dance, but I don't think that's right. Although, it was definitely art which can and needs to be interpreted.

All in all, that dance was so so cool!!!
I loved all of the different ones, and especially the one's the students choreographed. The dance called 'A Longing For..." was one of my favorites, part of which is due to the fact that the dancers all wore different bright colors. It was a feast for the eyes.

Ash, if you ever read this, you did so great! I loved it! I don't know that I could ever understand all of the time and stress that has to go into being as awesome at dance as you and your group are, but I'm starting to.

Again, it was so incredible! I encourage everyone that is even slightly artistic to go to a dance like this some time.

(Oh, and I totally loved the 'choking' for the whole Dust Bowl thing. I don't understand how that lady, was she like that one dancer's mother or something?, could feel threatened by it. I was greatly intrigued by the entire Dust Bowl theme-thing.[Yea, I am at a loss for words. It happens to me a lot.])

May God watch over you guys!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Dance Recital

I am going to my cousin's dance recital tonight!

I'm excited, and I can't wait to see her again. Plus I don't think I've ever been to a dance recital before!

Yay, and Rachel's coming too!

May God watch over you!


I found out recently that not many people can control their dreams.

Okay, well I can almost always control them. I've said that before when I was talking about taking Depression meds and how having dreams that I couldn't control was totally freaking me out.

Well, the dreams I've been having recently are really weird. I mean out-of-the-ordinary weird. This may sound weird, but I like those dreams in which I'm being chased or I'm scared. Because if it gets too scary I can just stop it or make myself be in a nice meadow and safe or something. I may even love those types of dreams. I don't know for sure.

But the dreams I've been having lately, since around the last week of school, I don't like these dreams much at all.

In all of them there is something with my friend Emily, although last night it was with Hannah L. It's nothing perverted! Nothing like that at all. But in all of the dreams with Emily she was being really mean to me. Treating me worse that dirt, you know what I mean? Emily is one of my best friends, so where is this subconscious coming from? The dream last night Hannah was working overtime, she had at least five jobs and it was like my mom thought Hannah was better than me. She kept saying how good Hannah is and how great she is. And I couldn't get away from my mom, even when I made a park and tried running from her. I couldn't make her disappear.

Now, I love Hannah and Emily. But, I don't know. It's like I resent them too. But how's that? I hate having dreams like this.

Do you know the song 'Mad World'?
Well, that's me. 'The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had'. That is totally me, because those are the best dreams I've had in years. I want people trying to kill me in my dreams instead of mean friends I can't do anything about.

If I could attack them, and I mean no disrespect Em and Hannah, then those dreams would be okay. More bearable. But instead I can't do anything.

More later.


Joram's Gone :'(

My brother has now left for Boot Camp. We took him up to the cities yesterday so that he could get all checked in and at this very moment he may be on a plane to Missouri.

He's going to Fort Lennardwood to get his Basic Training done. He was already doing Drills on the weekends. He still has one year of High School left, and after that he'll be gone.

As I've said before, it makes me so sad that he's gone and that he's growing up and becoming a man and all of this stuff when I just want to have my brother who's preoccupied with making forts and being a 'worker-man'.
Now he really is a worker-man though I guess.

I am going to miss him a lot this summer. He's at Fort Lennardwood for ten weeks. Ten weeks! That's a long time, but I know that he'll do really well there.

At least the whole family and I are going down for his graduation. That'll be so nice. And maybe while we're in Missouri I'll be able to visit my friend Hannah.

I need to keep praying for him.
May God watch over you

My kitten, Tux ^--^ : )

The new kitten I got just a few days ago is named Tux. The name just stuck, since it looks like it's wearing a tuxedo. Yep, Tux is totally adorable.

I got Tux from Darren, the boy I went to Valley Fair with.

Since Tux no longer has other kittens to play with, I've been doing my best to keep him happy. It's working. Oh, plus, he is really smart! He was litter-box trained in only one day! That is pretty good.

The only problem with him is that he doesn't like bedtime. I've been trying to get him to sleep in the dining room, which is right next to my parents' room and across the house from my room. He hates going to bed. Him not wanting to be alone is the major problem.

So far every night my mom has come into my room with him around 1:00 A.M. He meows when he's alone. But once he's with me and I've calmed him down he usually goes right to sleep. Last night he sort of slept on my shoulder right next to me. It's nice to fall asleep listening to the purr of a content kitten.

I love him! (Oh, but I'm not sure if it's a 'him' or a 'her' yet. I'm just calling Tux him until I know for sure. It's hard to tell when they're so young.)

God bless you guys!


I have braces!
I got them Monday, the 8th.
They don't hurt too much, the spacers were way worse!
However, it does sort of hurt to eat, but I'll get used to that pretty quickly. I hope.

They're blue. Well, this month they are. If you don't know, they (the orthodontist) change the color every month when I need to go in and they check up on how the straightening is going.

I hate flossing! It's hard, and right now it takes me FOREVER (or so it seems) to get through flossing them all. I want to keep them clean and not have my gums swell up. They showed me a picture of what can happen if you don't floss, and the gums swell up like over the braces and teeth and really hurt and look bad. A picture really is worth a thousand words.


♥RIP Midnight II♥

Doesn't the title say it all?
Midnight II died a few days ago.

As a matter of fact, I found his body just as I brought home a kitten from Darren's house so that Midnight wouldn't be so lonely.

Ironic, isn't it? Now my new kitten, Tux, is all alone. But don't worry, I am sticking by Tux as best I can. Now she's sleeping on my lap as I write this.

The world's a funny and strange place.

Midnight II had something wrong with him, something internal, and that was the end of him. He was sick when we got him, apparently. I didn't notice. I was blinded by love and out of practice. I hadn't been around kittens much at all for years, I didn't remember how playful and active and curious they were supposed to be. How could I have not expected this death, not prepared myself for it as I have with all of my previous pets that have been sick? Somehow I've twisted this all so that I can blame myself, though I know it isn't my fault.

I'll miss him. The short time we shared was special.

Much ♥love♥ Midnight.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Snowball and Midnight

I got two new cats today!
A little boy kitten named Midnight and a grown-up male cat named Snowball.

I love them!
Snowball is already adjusted to his new home. He gets alone well with Moto and tolerates September. Also, he is just OVERWHELMING! In a good way! When I start to pet him he goes like crazy, he loves it! He has a cold, but I think he'll get over it pretty soon. He's mostly a white-cream color, with a really light brown on his tail and paws. He sort of looks Siamese!

Midnight is just a tiny tiny kitten! Right now he's sleeping on my stomach! We had a rocky start, but he likes me now. Moto likes him, but he is scared silly of Mo! Also, September seems to think Midnight is like a mouse of something, because she tried to attack him! Of course, that made Moto run over to break it up which scared poor 'Night half-to-death. He's calmed down, that was like 2 hours ago.

Oreo does not approve of either Midnight or Snowball, but she better get used to them. I think that she'll warm up to them in a little while. A few days, I hope.

I think that I'm going to have both of them sleep in the house tonight, but tomorrow night I'll let Snowball sleep outside. He's so comfortable here!

It's strange for me to have another cat named Midnight when Midnight, my baby Middy, has been missing for months now. I miss her. But this Midnight is absolutely awesome, and I love him! I need to get used to calling him 'Night instead of Middy, since Middy belongs to my lost girl Midnight. If that totally confused you, I understand.

I will talk to you people later!
I love kittens!
May God watch over you!
♥Tara : )


Traditionally at our Jr. High School on the last day of school the 'good' kids(those who are not failing and have not gotten a detention) get to spend the whole day at Valley Fair!

For those of you who don't know, Valley Fair is one of the greatest amusement parks in Minnesota. I love going, although this year I didn't really want to.

However, a very sweet boy whom I like very much asked if I was going because he was. For him, I went. I spent the day with him and my other friends.

I felt bad that he was the only boy in our group, but he said that he didn't mind. Plus, he would go on all the rides! All of my girl friends are wimps it seems like. They won't go on roller coasters or the Tilt-A-Whirl or Power Tower--a ride that either shoots you up into the air or shoots you down towards the ground.

This is the list of rides I went on:
The Wave,
Thunder Canyon,
The Wave again.

Really, not too many rides, though I might have forgotten some. Sadly, I didn't not go on Tilt-A-Whirl or Wild Thing, but that's okay.
It was my favorite Vally Fair-School experience ever!

I had so much fun!
Ooh, and guess what--I only have a little sunburn on my nose and cheeks, so not too bad!

That was the best last day of school so far!

May God watch over you and you have a great summer!


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

All right people, I have a quick note for you:
I can hardly wait for summer!

Oh, and you want to know what I am really psyched for?
I will be getting kittens!

One from a friend of my dad's and one from my friend Emily!
I am soooo excited!
I love kittens so much!
I will update you all again soon, I hope!

Happy Summer!
God bless!


Sunday, May 24, 2009

hehe, fire

All I have to say:

Yea, I definitely loved the paintball shoot out 'civil war' style. I laughed so hard every time one of you got shot really bad and started hopping around.

Yea, and Jon is so definitely a pyromaniac, he was always closest to the fire and always wanted a stick to catch on fire and he was the one to kick that metal pan and get fire shot up his leg! That was so SWEET! Now he has like no hair on one leg! Plus, he said now he had to do it again on the other leg so that they matched. (He didn't, but the thought is funny)
Loved it all, I can't believe my brother has friends this crazy, but I'm so glad he does. : )

Happy Memorial Day to y'all out there!
May God watch over you!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Invisible Movie - Poem

I absolutely loved the poem part.
I almost have it memorized.
I really like this.

The Invisible music video

Not really the music video,

The Invisible - On my own


The Invisible- Broken


The Invisible - Where Will You Go?

Okay, someone made this video of the Evanescence song 'Where Will You Go?' and my new favorite movie 'The Invisible'.

If you haven't seen the movie and you don't want to see a lot of spoilers then don't watch this. Otherwise, go ahead. I'm still looking for more videos to go with The Invisible, so I'll probably have more on here.
: )
YouTube is so great
: )

Friday, May 22, 2009


I tried to upload a bunch of YouTube videos to my blog, but for some reason it wouldn't work!

I will try something again soon, they were videos of The Invisible.

Finally Friday!
I'm just trying to survive until summer, then I'll post more.

God bless you!

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Invisible//The Martian Child

So, I haven't gotten my system worked out yet, schools been getting to me.
I'll get to it though ;)

I just watched The Invisible for the first time like an hour ago.
Wow, pretty good movie. I really liked it, even though lots of the lines were corny and it was pretty predictable. The whole plot thing, with the main character being close to death and out-of-body, kept me interested. I loved how no one but his killer could hear him. Also, the characters themselves, I really liked them. I was a little disappointed when not too much was learned about their lives. I learned quite a bit, but I still wanted to know more. I especially wanted to learn more about Annie's earlier life and whether Nick's friend lived(I think he did, but I want to know for sure).

I give it 4/5 stars.
I am definitely going to watch it again, tomorrow most likely.

Have you seen The Martian Child? I LOVED it!!!! The entire movie was intriguing and sweet and fragile! I did cry, and I don't cry because of movies much at all.
The little boy, I loved him and felt so much something for him. I want to get that from Netflix again, and also I want to share it with my grandma some time.
Everyone needs to see it. Everyone!

I sure like movies. And Fridays! I am so glad this long week is over. I only have 12 days of school left! I can't wait for summer!

I'll talk to you again later!
May God watch over you!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A System...Of Sorts?

I believe that I need some sort of system.
You, know, so that then my posts make more sense.
I'll work on that tonight if I don't have much homework, and then update.
I have to go...Computer Presentation from our teacher.
We're starting to learn HTML.

May God bless you!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Nothin' New 2 Say

I have nothing to really say.
I will be going to an art thing tomorrow, Friday, and Saturday with Lidia, one of my best friends. I get out of school at noon both tomorrow and Friday for it, so that's pretty sweet.

Oh, My Immortal just started playing in randomized Windows Media Player. I absolutely love this song. It's by Evanescense, and Amy Lee's voice is just so beautiful. It took me until just a few days ago to realize that the song is a person who is still grieving for someone who's gone, probably dead, and is still haunting her. And I love the song.

'I'm so tired of being

suppressed by all my childish fears
and if you have to leave I wish that you would just leave
'cause your presence still lingers here
and it won't leave me alone
these wounds won't seem to heal
this pain is just too real
there's just too much that time cannot erase

when you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
when you screamed I'd fight away all of your fears
and I held your hand through all of these years,
but you still have all of me

you used to captivate me
by your resonating life
now I'm bound by
the life you left behind
your face it holds my
once pleasant dreams
your voice it chased away
all the sanity in me

these wounds won't seem to heal
this pain is just too real
there's just too much that time cannot erase
when you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
when you screamed I'd fight away all of your fears
and I held your hand through all of these years
and you still have all of me

I tried so hard
to tell myself that you're gone
but though you're still with me
I've been alone all along

these wounds won't seem to heal
this pain is just too real
there's just too much that time cannot erase
when you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
when you screamed I'd fight away all of your fears
and I held your hand through all of these years
but you still have all of me

So, that's My Immortal. Beautiful song. I love it.

I'll try to think of some more interesting things to do with this blog, any ideas are more than welcome!

God watch over you this week!
♥ Tara

Thursday, April 23, 2009

@ School

I have time to kill.
Well, not really.
I was trying to help Cassie put a video in her slide show, but it isn't working, so now Milan is helping her. YAY MILAN! : )

I haven't updated in a long time...whoa, I say that a lot.
My brother is definitely going to Boot Camp this summer. :'(
He wants to join the National Guard. It makes me sad. I am going to miss him so much. It's not so much him going to Boot Camp that makes me sad, or that I'm going to miss him a lot, it's that he's growing up.

Joram is my older brother. If he grows up, that means I need to grow up soon, too. I just made that totally selfish. But do you understand this feeling I'm getting that I can't put in words? He's growing up. He'll be moving out soon. He could get married and have kids! That's a good thing, but still. I just want everything to stay like it was when we were little kids. Playing in the mud and making forts together. We haven't even done that in years, but I miss it. And now, him going to Boot Camp, that's sort of, to me, like the seal that we will never be little kids again. The National Guard. Boys aren't in the National Guard, men are. He's only 17. And I love him and want him to stay my older brother who would do slapstick comedy for me whenever I cried. The brother who I would spend hours playing with every day. The brother who was with me when we moved and made everything easier. The brother with whom I would go outside and made tons of forts and play cowboys and Indians with. I'm not ready to say goodbye to him and greet this new brother, this man, who is grown up and responsible and has a job and is going to Boot Camp this summer.

I should probably go now.
Heather is reading this over my shoulder. She says 'hi people!'.
I'll talk to you people later.
God bless!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Well, yeah.
Maybe you can guess.
Firenze died last night.
She was slowing down for a long time, I knew it was coming, but it was still sad. I wasn't in the room when she died. I had her out of her cage and with me for over an hour because I knew she would be gone soon. Since it was my brother's birthday we were doing what he wanted, and he wanted to watch Ironman. I hadn't seen it, and I only watched like half since it was late, but that is a very good movie. I put Firenze in her cage so that I could take a shower. Then I changed my mind, I knew she would die within an hour. So I gave her to my mom to keep an eye on while I was in the shower. Then Firenze passed.
She will be buried in an oatmeal box today.
I don't even know if she liked oatmeal.

I'm not torn up about it too much, I knew it was coming.

The night before she died I held her for a long time before bed and I read her Psalm 19. I'd never read Psalm 19 before, but I really liked it and it seemed to allow her to relax a little more. I told her how God made her and God loves her and will take care of her.
I hope she's happy now. I don't know what happens to animals when they die. Maybe some day I will.

I still will miss her though. I'll really need to try bonding with Venice more.

May God watch over you this week.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Easter was great, wasn't it?
I know I enjoyed it, it's always nice to see the family, though I didn't really talk or socialize with anyone. Strange, looking back on it.

Well, today was definitely a Monday.
Complete with forgetting needed supplies and never quite getting into a 'work mode'. Yea, I hate the Monday after a week off of school.

It was worse for my mom. She had an absolutely horrendous day, as it sounds. Hehe, she's still not in a great mood. Probably won't be in a good mood the rest of the day. Days like this, it's best to try and avoid her or at least be as pleasant towards her as possible. This whole week is going to be horrible for her.

I have a standardized writing test or something like that tomorrow morning, I have to pass that to move on to 10th grade and in order to graduate from high school. Fun. But, I don't know, I'm not too worried about it. I should do fine, and I just hope I get a good subject to write on.

By the way, that new Sprint commercial with all of the statistics, I really like that one. Although, I liked it a lot more before I saw it like 100 times.

I will talk to y'all later, hopefully with something a little more interesting to say.

God watch over you this week,
With love and hoping for comments,
~Tara ♥

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!
I hope you and your family and whoever else you celebrate
with have a great Easter!
Christ Has Risen!


Yesterday, I had the great honor to hold a baby.
: )
Her name is Grace Marie, and I kept calling her Gracie.
She is the youngest of my mom's friend Tanya's children.
She is about four months old, and she is so precious!

Now, this may come as a shock since I am a 15 year old girl, but I have never really held a baby. I mean, sure, I held my cousin Eric when he was still a tiny baby. I was too scared to hold his older brother, Nicholas, when he was a baby.
Then there was Brijette, little Bri, also a cousin (well, second cousin once removed), who I did hold more than any other baby previously. But, I feel like that doesn't count since she was much older when I held her and I didn't feel comfortable holding her for long. I don't think she felt comfortable having me hold her for long, either. She liked to move though, and was always trying to walk.

I'm getting sidetracked.

Grace, well, I held her for quite a while Friday. I mean, it might have been an hour, but I'm not sure. She's so little! And I felt very comfortable holding her, maybe because she isn't a fussy baby and has six older siblings. I felt so good holding her, it was like baby therapy for me, because I was having a down day. She made me feel so good, I cannot express it in words. It was sort of like holding joy in my arms, and having joy grab and hold my fingers. Every time she wrapped her little fist around one of my fingers I had such a moment of joy. I absolutely love that! And hearing her suck her thumb when she was against my shoulder, I hope I never forget it.

Gracie has the most precious blue eyes. And I shall never cease to be amazed by baby hands and feet. I love her, and it's just incredible how babies are.

I was holding her, rocking slightly back and forth and re-situating her when she started to fuss, and I asked God to bless her and all babies. And I thanked Him for babies. They are incredible, and God makes each one perfect in His eyes.

I just wanted to gush to you for a little while and write all that down about Grace. I don't ever want to forget it, and having it written will help me to remember.

God bless you!


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Jensen Ackles Picture!!

I can't believe that I didn't tell you people (or whatever you are....just kidding...I think) that I finally got my picture from Jensen Ackles!
It's a great picture, of course, and I am so excited about it!
It doesn't matter where you are in the room, his eyes follow you! I know, I thought it would be creepy too, but now I found out that it isn't. So, that is pretty sweet.
So, yea, Jensen Ackles is in my room, on the wall, above my bookcase.
It is SWEET.
It was definitely worth the six-week wait.
And, I feel like the people who send out his pictures get totally ripped off. Know why? I got his picture for free and they had to pay to make the picture and for postage and they have to write the address and stuff by hand. They might loose money. But, I kind of doubt it. Keeping fans happy is a good thing. Hey, thinking of Supernatural, it's on tonight. Oh, but wait. On they say that the next 'new' episode is on the 23rd.
That would mean that tonight is a rerun.
Crazy Supernatural people.
What's with all of the hiatuses?
Well, the new episode is called 'Jump the Shark'.
I'll say it again: this season hasn't been great except I loved 'Wishful Thinking' and 'Yellow Fever'.
Now here I am, rambling about SN.
There was something else I wanted to say...
Oh, right.
I have an ortho appointment today. Yay.
It was supposed to be yesterday, but their x-ray machine wasn't working. I hope that they have it fixed. I am going to under-go about 45 minutes of teeth x-rays and picture taking and all sorts of stuff like that. I don't like it.
But, hey, I guess I don't mind it that much either.

On a whole different note, I am getting together a good compilation of music to add to my collection! I'll just need my parents' credit card to make the purchases.
And no, I am not stealing the credit card from my parents. I am being allowed music as a gift for being on the Honor roll every quarter so far this year at school. I don't like school very much, but I love music, so I think that it's a good trade-off.

I will talk to you peeps again later, if I survive the orthodontist appointment. That was a joke, I hope I didn't just jinx myself. Wait, do jinxes even work? I don't think so. They only work if you think they will, you know, like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Wow, I get off-track really easily.

May God watch over you!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Blacking Out / GF

This is awesome!
I LOVE this video, hehe, I watch it and laugh.
awesome randomness.
Did I mention that I like these guys?

Major / Dead Cat

All right, this one and the other one of them just talking...most people won't find them terribly hilarious...but I do.
Like I said, I really like them and I've watched all of his videos.

Adventures With Kyle III

Mitchell's Adventures With Kyle part 3!
Pretty funny, I like them.

Spring Break

This week is Spring Break!
Me and Emily are going to get together and it is going to be so much fun!
The snow is melting, again and finally, and the weather is starting to warm up.
Maybe I'll be able to take some good pictures soon.
Earlier I did have a picture day, I took pictures of all sorts of stuff outside, and a lot of pics with my cats.
Well, I need to figure out how to put the videos on my camera onto the computer and then on Facebook and on here for my friends' and my own enjoyment.
: )
I will talk to you people later!
Hey, please leave some sort of comment, it'd be cool.
God bless you!

While I Was Gone

Because of Drivers Ed I wasn't on my computer much at all for over a week. Yes, that is hard on me, but it wasn't really a bad thing. It was more of a break.

I really just checked my email a few days ago, but I haven't opened most of them yet. I will.


Well, my friend, Hannah, visited from Missouri!
She was on Spring Break and her whole family came up to visit relatives and friends and stuff. It was so great to see her again! I miss her. Well, I guess it's sort of hard to stop missing some one who's gone and you really love. She is definitely one of my closest and best friends. YAY! I'm so so blessed to have her and Emily.

Today I went to an orthodontist appointment consultation thing. Looks like I'll probably be getting some sort of braces, but nothings known for sure yet about it. Tomorrow I have another appointment with some sort of ortho person to take pictures and x-rays and stuff like that with my teeth. Fun. I am so glad that I don't have their job.

Ummm, what else to say?

Mitchell Davis posted three new videos, and I will be posting all of them on here.

Fred also had a new video about April Fool's Day. It wasn't very good, but it's Fred, and he's classic.

I am excited, I will get to go on a music shopping spree today or tomorrow. Yes! Finally new music, I want to get a few special songs and check out a few bands.
It should be fun.


Drivers Ed Is Over!

Alrighty, it has been a very long time since I last blogged. Like, two or three weeks? Waaaay toooooo looonnnng.
So, I'm just going to update you with a couple posts, hopefully they won't be too long for your span of interest.

Okay, so Drivers Education is the main reason that I haven't updated in a while. But, that was only like two weeks long, so it isn't my only excuse.
Drivers Ed is over now, thankfully!
It was three hours every night from 3:30-6:30. It started Wednesday-Friday, Monday-Friday, and then Monday and Tuesday. It was SO BORING.

The guy who teaches it, Mr. Woods, is super nice. Which made me feel bad every time I nearly dozed off while he was talking. He really liked drawing different scenarios at four-way stops on a little white board he had, and then showing what to do if this happens, or if this is here, or this etc., etc. And all of the movies we watched? Wow, that is something: what people have made. Some of them were okay, some were boring, some were stupid, a few were funny, and the last one was like a snooze-fest. We watched it on the last day and I kept nearly falling asleep. My eyes would start to close and my head would start to nod and then I'd snap back awake only to have it start all over again.

No, I haven't taken my permit test yet. I don't know when I will, I want my permit and I don't want it.

I have one funny thing to say about Drivers Training, and you better laugh because I thought it was hilarious and frustrating at the same time. Basically, don't get me started about it. But, to share, this is what happened.

Mr. Woods was talking about stop and yield signs. It's pretty obvious what to do at a stop sign: you stop. Basically, it's pretty self-explanatory. At a yield sign you: yield to traffic with the right-of-way. Yes, I get it, it's sort of common sense. He finished talking about stop and yield signs and said, 'That's stop and yield signs in a nutshell.' Yay, we learned about stop and yield signs. Do you want to know how long the 'nutshell' was? 1 hour! That doesn't sound long, but it really was! 1 hour of stopping and yielding! That was all he talked about! It was so boring! I almost laughed out loud when he said it was in a nutshell. A nutshell is less than 5 minutes! That was an hour! And now I could rant about it for a long and redundant time. But I won't. (all of you are saying 'thank you!' right now, lol)

So, yeppy, Drivers Ed is over and you should be as happy as I am. : )

God bless!
Drive safe!
♥ ~Tara

Friday, March 20, 2009


i just typed up a whole long blog for you people. It didn't post.
I won't retype it now though, cuz that just made me mad.

Driver's Ed.

Hey, I found my other thing I wrote before about Drivers Ed, this is it. Yea, it's better than that quick one I wrote up just now.

This week Driver's Ed. started.

Basically, it's ten days, 3 hours a day, all on weekdays. This week was three days(Wednesday, Thursday, Friday). Then all of next week and only Monday and Tuesday of the week after that, and then I will be done!

Hopefully I'll pass my permit test.

It still doesn't quite seem like I'm old enough to be learning how to drive, like I shouldn't be doing this, but I guess we all grow up, day by day, whether or not we accept that.

Well, so far, the class is all right. There are mostly all people from my school and my grade. That's nice. I don't really like doing stuff where I am without anyone who is familiar to me. I feel kind of lost in places unfamiliar to me and being surrounded by strangers. Which is strange, I don't think I was always that way. But whatever.

The man who teaches us is, well, sort of boring. I don't mean to sound or be mean, because he seems really nice, but yea, he is a bit on the aburrido side.He basically tells us what to read for the next class and then he pretty much reitterates what we did read.

For instance, Wednesday night we read about road signs. Today he spent an hour (an hour! And yes, I kept count--there isn't much to do and today I had a good view of the clock), he spent an hour talking about yield and stop signs. Then he said, 'So that's basically yield and stop signs in a nutshell'. In a nutshell?! It was an hour of talk and scenarios about yield and stop signs! Maybe that doesn't sound crazy to you, but it was sort of frustrating for me.


This week not much happened. Except for that Driver's Training. And I'm not used to having something after school, and it runs from 3:30-6:30, so I get home, eat, do homework, shower, do more homework, devotional, bed. Pretty much that is all I've been doing. No time for reading what I want at home, no time for perusing movies on Netflix(new hobby--if-you-can-call-it-that), no YouTube, no typing up little stories or chatting on MSN, no time to go update my Facebook(all right, i just checked it now), no time to spend with my dog or cats or outside at all, and it was nice earlier this week, now it's cold again :( , and of course no time to type up a long blog in which I seem to go on and on about my problems and who really wants to read that anyways? Basically, I'm having a hard time adjusting, and am really tired by the time I get home from Driver's Ed. I will be happy when this is over.

I am watching 'Sister Act' (starring Whoopi Goldberg) right now with my mom. Well, I'm not really paying attention. It has it's funny scenes.

F.Y.I. - Catch Me If You Can is definately a favorite movie of mine!(I don't know if I've mentioned that before) I like it so much! And yes, Leonardo DiCaprio is an incredible young actor in this movie!

Oh, an awesome upside to Driver's Ed. is that I have to ride the bus over to the town next to mine. I get to ride next to my friend, Vickie! And then I get to see Bailey and Kinzie and Milan too! And everyone else. Yea, I like riding the bus now. I rode it once when I was in Kindergarten, my older brother rode it too, and I thought he would look out for me like he does at our house. I was wrong. There was no place for me to sit and I was so little and shy that I squeezed in next to him with like half of my bottom on the seat and the bus went around a curve and I almost fell off. Plus all of the boys were making fun of me because I was so little and scared. My first bus experiance was a terrible one. But now it's all good.

I am going to leave you to take a longed-for hot bath. This was an incredibly LONG week!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

My Weekend @ My Cousins'

I haven't updated you in a while.
Here I go.

I didn't go to school on Friday. I was sick, but mostly I think it was just stress. I sort of was freaking out.

I went to my cousins' house on Friday evening. I love being with them, I smile and laugh so much that my cheeks are sore and hurt. I had a great day, we pretty much just surfed YouTube, found some hilarious videos, and I introduced my cousin Nick to the most addicting and cute game I have ever played on the computer. It's called Super Stackers. We beat Super Stackers 1 pretty fast, then moved on to Super Stackers 2 which has 40 levels (Super Stackers 1 only had 12).
By the time we finally went to bed Friday night, it was actually like 2:30 or 3:00, we were past level 35, I think. We were stuck on 36. So, the next morning when I woke up really late, my cousin was already up and had been up for like ten minutes and passed the level. It was awesome. We sort of get obsessed over stuff like that.
Then Ashley came downstairs, she went to bed before we started playing Super Stackers, and we showed her what it was and how to play and she was really good at it; she got us through two really hard levels.
Me and Ash were sort of getting sick of the computer, but Nick was only staying like another hour before he had to go to the gym (he's a gymnast, and a very good one too!), so we stayed with him and helped him with some levels and watched. Then it was just me and Ashley. We never know what to do, we just keep saying 'What do you want to do?' 'I don't care, what do you want to do?'.
So, I started finding Supernatural vids on YouTube, because I'd shown her and Nick a few episodes before and watched a Halloween-type episode of Season 3, I think, at their house with them. So I asked if she wanted to watch an episode and she said okay and told me to pick a good one.
Well, I chose 'Playthings' since I had just watched it not that long ago and it has a few good lines/scenes that I really like. Then I thought, 'well, she should see 'Pilot' since it's the first episode and sort of explains why they are how they are.' So we watched Pilot too, I forgot, I thought it had their dad in it, but it doesn't.(Well, except for in the flashback part, before the fire.)
Then we went upstairs, I absolutely adore their house, it feels like home to me.
We talked to Ash's mom, my Aunt Sally, and then we left, the 3 of us, for Northwest Bookstore. It's an absolutely awesome Christian bookstore that I love.
Ashley loves it too, and we could probably spend hours there.
I got two books, I don't remember what they're called and I don't want to go look right now, but both of them look really good. I can't wait to read them, but I need to finish at least two of the books I've started before I start another one.
That's what I've told myself at least.
Then we went back to their house and I saw 'Baby Momma' for the first time, they have it. It was pretty good, but I'd have to see it again to figure out if I like it or not. It's weird, I'm like that a lot with movies now, I like watching them twice before I say whether I like it or not. Unless it was totally awesome and I loved like the whole thing(that would be Pirates of the Caribbean 1&2, National Treasure, and The Outsiders, to name a few).

Hannah, I am really sad to hear about you closing your blog. Are you still going to read mine and Vinz's?

I am going to look into getting some Underoath music and also Children 18:3, and I need to check out this band, I think it's called Me Without You, but I'm not sure. I've heard a few of his songs though, interesting.
Thanks Anna, I really love music now and am exploring a little bit by myself, of course with tons of help from The Refuge. :-)

God bless!


Monday, March 9, 2009


Am I weird, (Pakou will say yes), or do other people also like to feel their heart beat?
I mean, sometimes, I just like to put my hand to my neck and feel my pulse. The steady 'tha-thump..tha-thump..tha-thump' is so calming. Reassuring. I like it.
Last night I could not fall asleep. Seriously, I was wide awake and could not put my mind to rest. So I was feeling my heart beat, trying to calm down. Sadly, it didn't help like it usually does. But it made me think about it; how a heart beat can reassure me. It's steady and constant. I feel the blood pumping through me, and I am reassured that I am alive. Some times, like yesterday morning, I have to assure myself that I am alive and that I should live before I get out of bed. Sunday morning I couldn't. It took me hours. I just wanted to sleep all day and ignore life. I like sleep. I don't get to sleep much. Not as much as I want to. Blast insomnia! And with all of these weird dreams intruding on me, the sleep I have been getting is starting to wake me up. I had a dream in which I threatened a girl I know, I said I was going to kill her and I started to chase her. Luckily I woke up before anything happened, and then it took me a long time to fall back asleep after that. The dreams aren't even like normal dreams. They feel different. And they freak me out, not only with their content, but also because I cannot control them. Usually, in normal dreams, I have some sort of control over what happens, or else I can change it to my favor. In these dreams I've been getting, I have no control over anything that happens. Sometimes I'm not even me, I mean, I'm not in my body. It is so strange, I'm not used to it. I don't know if I will get used to it.
What was I talking about?
Oh, yea, feeling my heartbeat.
So, I find it reassuring and I like it.
Oh, and I found that on Sunday morning my mind finally wandered to my friends at school and then my grandma, and the thought of her is what made me get up and say, 'I need to be alive and live'. So, I asked my mom if we could visit my grandma and grandpa that day. And we did. I took a picture of them, I want to put it in my room so that when I wake up I see them smiling and I want to get up. Like encouragement. I love them so much.

Oh, on a whole nother note, my digital camera wasn't working yesterday.I tried to hook it up to my computer, but it would not copy the pictures over. It is completely full. I am hoping to work on it today and make it work.

The bell is going to ring in like five minutes. (Yes, I'm done with my assignment, it was sort of like a free day for me) [And Milan's slide shows are all AWESOME!]

God bless you peoples!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


So hey everyone. It's been a little while, I know.
I'm sorry.
I just got a Facebook. Literally, maybe like a half hour ago.
Yea, I don't know how often I'll use it, I don't really like the way that it's set up.
Now Emily and Hannah and everyone else can stop bugging me to get one.
I really wish I had more to say.
Oh, I know!
My friend Lidia and her mom and dad and three little brothers came over today!
Lidia is 9, but she is so mature. She wants a horse more than anything else I think. She also wants either a mouse or a rat, and she loves my two rats. Her and her brother Oden, I think he's like 6 or 7, and then Axel, who is I want to say 3 or possibly 4, had fun watching my rats. Lidia held Firenze for a while and Oden did too. We didn't let Axel, small kids tend to squeeze animals by accident and rats are fairly fragile, however, he did pet Firenze and Venice and liked watching them but he really wanted to hold one. He kept saying 'hold head' like he wanted to grab their heads, but he didn't. That's good.
I had so much fun! Lidia is just awesome!
We played a fun horse game she and one of her other friends made up, that was fun, she knows so much about horses she was trying to teach me. I learned a little bit at least.
We played Foosball too! I love Foosball, it's been so long since I'd played, no one ever wants to play with me. But we played, and that was so much fun. I don't know if I ever stopped smiling. She taught me how to play Crazy 8's. And we played War. It was so much fun, wow.
Then right before she left she wanted to help me clean out the rats' cage because I needed to clean it out. So she helped me. She loves animals, too.

I feel great today.
I was a little worried since it's Saturday and I slept in and I took my pill two hours later than normal, I was afraid I would get weird while Lidia was here, but luckily I didn't! I didn't at all today.
I had a crazy weird dream that would scare normal people but hardly phased me at all last night. I don't want to go into it though, people would find it disturbing. But I had to tell you all. I have been having tons of weird dreams.

Did you watch the new Mitchell Davis video that I uploaded? It was so funny, I watched it twice!
I will update again soon.
I hope.

God bless and watch over you this weekend.
Much love,

Mitchell Davis' New Camera

Newest Mitchell Davis video.
He's random. and funny. and i like it.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

oh, i know!

By the way, for anyone wondering, the song that goes with the video Supernatural: Folsom Prison Blues is called Renegade by Styx
Thought that I'd tell you, because I have come to really like that song. : )

Gran Torino - Official Trailer

You guessed it: yesterday I saw Gran Torino.
I went to the theatre with no idea, really, of what to expect.
Of course Clint Eastwood was excellent and extraordinarily convincing!
The boy who played Thao was also very convincing and I rather liked him, he reminded me of Chi-Chi just a little bit, but maybe that's just because they're both Hmong. Is that prejudiced? Well, I'm not sure, but I also like the girl who played Thao's sister, Sue, I think she was my favorite character.
The movie was very well-made and deserves an Oscar, I'd admit.
However, you would not want to bring anyone to see it if they do not like swearing or have low-tolence for it. Practically every other word was cuss, especially with the gangsters. However, if the swearing wasn't in the movie it would've been very corny and unconvincing. They probably could've moderated it a bit, though.
I really really enjoyed the movie besides that. It seemed sort of slow but I thought it was paced just right. You sort of ease into the story and Walt's (Clint Eastwood) life. I would so give it 4.5*/5*, and it only looses that .5* for swearing. The ending, well, I'd be lying if I said I didn't see it coming, at least part of it, but I was still surprised on how it happened. I didn't think it'd go down like that. Wonderful and sad movie. Very bittersweet. I truly enjoyed it.
I don't want to give anything away.
This is the Trailer for it, they did a good job cutting out the cussing so that it's 'approved for all viewing audiences'.
Enjoy, I'd recommend it to some people but definately not everyone.

Tell me if you've seen it and what you thought!
God watch over you guys!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Snow! Snow! Snow!

Remember how I said the weather was really nice earlier this week?
Well, today we got out of school early because of snow. They said the 'big snowstorm is coming!' It's been snowing and blowing since about 8:00AM. I'm hoping we will at least have school delayed tomorrow. ♥

I have to say, even though I really don't like cold weather, I still love the snow! I can't even comprehend how some people have never seen snow in real-life. The snow just dances through the air as it spirals down to earth. Those large and fluffy flakes are the best, of course. They can stay in the air for a long time before finally coming to rest on the ground. Then, of course, there is a mean side to snowflakes. Sometimes they're more like ice pellets than snow and pelt you in the face whenever you turn towards the wind, giving you a painful brain-freeze. I still love the snow, however it comes down. Though I only like to be in it when it's snowing the big fluffy flakes. I suppose I'm picky with my weather. : )

I was informed a few minutes ago that I must clean the fridge. *gag*
That means I need to leave you.
Wherever you are, enjoy your life. Life is fleeting and we don't usually realize that until someone close to us is taken away and by then it's too late.
God bless you

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Office - CPR Training

I've never really watched this show, but after the Superbowl I saw this scene. Oh wow, I laughed so hard and I just was talking about it to my mom so I thought, 'Hey, YouTube it!' and so I did. I have to share this, I laugh so hard! The end especially!
My dad and mom both laughed when they watched it.
Wow. Okay.
Had to share it.
I am really excited today and I don't know why. hehe!
God bless you!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Supernatural: Folsom Prison Blues

Love this episode.
Awesome music that fits the clips.

100th Post! (I can't believe it)

Hey everyone!

This is my 100th post! I can't believe I've stuck with my blog. (okay, I kinda cheated by posting so many videos, but I like those vids)
Oh-Kay--My presentation on Bloody Mary went okay, not great, my throat was getting sore towards the end so you couldn't hear me very well and I kept coughing. Other than that..I don't know.

Hehe, I love this weird picture thing.

Cassie has been sending me so many more YouTube videos! They are so great! Yay YouTube!

I am going to post a cool Supernatural Folsom Prison Blues videos, the song fits it perfectly, but I don't know what the song is. I love that episode though. It's funny when they go to jail since Dean fits in so well and Sam just wants to leave.

I have hot chocolate!

Today was so so nice outside! It's finally warming up! Although, tomorrow is probably going to be cold again. Foohey.

Man, I still have to do my homework.

Plus, I have to clean the house, I don't know how far I'll get on that, because an insurance guy or someone like that is coming over tomorrow. Exciting. But that's why we must clean our home. Ooh, and I want to clean my room, it's annoying me.

That was basically a list just for me so I remember all I still have to do tonight. Yay. Reminders. Great.

I wish I'd written a poem for y'all. Oh, if you hadn't noticed, I stopped doing the 'Poem-A-Day' thing. There are still poems left in the book, of course, but I felt like it was getting sort of old. I still have one special and favorite poem to share, but maybe I'll post it tomorrow. Not tonight at least.

I should go...I still have to work out for at least a half-hour tonight because my doctor and mom are getting on me about that since I have So Much Stress! Not a fan of stress.

God bless you guys!