So, my long-lost friend visited me from Missouri!!!!
I had had a great day, was it last Friday? Already a week? It feels like it wasn't that long ago. But at the same time, I don't know, it's like it was forever ago.
Anyways, last Friday, it was a great day. I can't remember exactly why, oh, right, it was Thanksgiving weekend! (Sorry, I wanna get a background going, then the exciting part will come, have patience young grasshopper). Thanksgiving was WONDERFUL! My entire family, that's right, my dad came too!, went to my aunt and uncle's awesome house. They live north of us a little bit, closer to the cities, and their house is GIGANTIC!! It's beautiful too. I love it, wood floors and lots, I mean LOTS, of windows. Nice furniture too. But the best part wasn't the house, or the food (Fabulous food though! Love the mashed potatoes!), it was my family. Almost everyone was there! All my relatives from Duluth came, including my baby cousin Brijette! (Okay, technically, she's my 1st cousin once removed, but I like to call her my baby cousin)
Bri can now walk, she's growing up so fast, and she can say a few words, growing up fast like lightning. She can say hi!, hot, baby, papa, ma, and almost ball. I think she knows a few others too. Probably a lot more by now, actually. She would've just turned one yesterday, I believe, the fourth. Happy Birthday Brijette!
So, I had a lot of fun seeing my family and watching them play their annual football game, I don't know who won, but Anna, you did great! I saw one of the times you slid, it looked painful!
I stayed overnight then, at my cousins. They are twins, brother and sister, and no, as I have ridiculously had to tell many people after giving the fact that they are twin brother and sister, they are NOT identical! They're both 17, and can we say sibling rivalry? Not to be mean you guys, but you do fight almost constantly. I still had fun though! We saw Twilight, it was pretty good. We all thought it would be really terrible, but it wasn't. I liked the baseball scene, and the scene where the Cullens' enter the Cafeteria the most. After we saw the movie we thought we should go buy the book! So we went to a Target, the lights were ON! but they were not open. At least 2 other cars pulled into the parking lot as we were leaving though. They really looked like they were open. It was also quite the adventure getting home, *ahemNick!* but no, we did get home in one piece and no one attacked us at the creepy gas station. So, anyways, we listened to part of the book on YouTube and then we went to bed because it was really late. Ooh, I also introduced my cousin's to Fred on YouTube, Ashley liked him, but Nick, oh my goodness, you thought he was annoying! lol, i get that, it was just kind of funny since you don't mind the Charlie the horse going to Candy Mountain or whatever ones. *It's A Leopluridon, Charlie!* Wow, we almost died laughing.
ANYWAYS, I came home, was only there for maybe half an hour, when my best friend Emily shows up! I was surprised and happy! Yay! It's Emmy, and she's gonna sleep over! I wasn't suspicious at all! I shoulda been! So, we talked about girl stuff for a while and ate some pizza when someone else pulls into the driveway! Who is it? Since my dad is an auto mechanic and works at home I just figured it was some dude dropping off a car that needed work. I was SO WRONG!
Hannah! You came! And Emily knew and didn't tell me!
I actually SCREAMED I was so excited!
I loved that, I can't express it Hannah and Em, I just loved being with both of you again! And, you are so right, next time you come, we should go for walks at night again. That was so cool, we saw a shooting star! It had a really long, greenish tale and it was actually moving pretty slow. That was awesome!
It was just like old times, except maybe it was even better! And we saw Twilight together too, now Em wants to read the books!
I miss you again Hannah!
Here are the pictures! They can't capture the joy and fun we had though. And we were pretty much posing in all of them. Em, you got some random pics though, right?
So, enjoy, Hannah, you better read this and laugh at the awesome pictures!
God bless you all! I hope you had great Thanksgivings!

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