This is Star. He's very cuddly as well, but it's strange to pick him up. You see, he broke a rib when he was much younger, and it sticks out, you can feel it through his skin, and it always makes me pull back because I think it would hurt. But he gives no idication that it does, but I am still wary when I hold him.

Oreo, the mother of Midnight, Star, and Spec. Spec is not in these pictures because I don't have any of him, he left some time either last year or the year before and sadly hasn't come back yet. I'm still hoping he will! Oreo is still a kitten at heart, but she has drastic moodswings. One moment she'll be batting your hand playfully and purring, the next she's biting your hand and growling. Crazy cat! But I love her anyways. :)

This is a personal favorite of mine. Streak with his tongue sticking out at you. I believe he had just yawned.
I love taking pictures of my cats, they are fun, if difficult, subjects to work with.
God bless!
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