The sleepover was fun, just like I thought it would be. The only downside was that the other two girls, Lindsey and Danny, well, I am not like them so much. I mean, I am very different from most people my age, but with Hannah I can be myself and she can be herself. But Hannah is very adaptable (in a good way) and she was comfortable being with Lindsey and Danny, who were both kinda, in my opinion, somewhat girly, and also be with me who is a bit of a tomboy. Well, I think she was comfortable. She was giving me weird looks every now and then, and she didn't seem quite herself all the time. Anyways. I wasn't comfortable. I held back, almost all the talk was about cute guys.
Yes, there are a bunch of cute, really cute, guys and it's fun to talk about them for a little while, but, maybe I'm just a little strange, after about three hours straight of talking about guys, I got kinda bored and sick of the subject. And, Hannah, Danny, Emily, and Lindsey all love chick-flicks. Now, I am not saying chick-flicks are terrible. Some of them are okay, I like A Walk To Remember and a few others, but I hate almost all of the romance ones. And practically all chick-flicks are romances. Let me tell you, I was feeling kind of bad for the other girls while we were watching The Notebook, because I ruined practically all of the soft, 'ahhhh' moments. That was a long, in my opinion, torturous, movie. In other words, I didn't like it. However, it did amuse me, and I got to make fun of it and punch holes in it, but other than that, it was SOOO LONG! I mean come on! A long, romantic chick-flick where you know who's gonna fall in love in like the first ten minutes and the rest of the movie is them falling in love and going through ups and downs until the very end when they die, together, in each others arms. Sweet? No, it was sickening. Old people dead together. *ugh!shudder* And, I want to know, who died first? The guy or the girl? Or did they die at exactly the same instant? Who wants to lie sleeping next to a dead person? Not me. But whatever, I'm still like crazy about hating that movie, so don't get me started.
We did get to watch one of the movies I brought, Walking Across Egypt, which was nice. It has Jonathon Taylor Thomas in it, and i think he's adorable. Don't hear about him anymore. Is he still acting? If you know anything, please let me know! Anyways, that's an inspirational movie, I actually like it, and I'm not too fond of inspirational movies most of the time either. Though I suppose A Walk To Remember is inspirational too, right? Anyways, we didn't just watch movies. Oh no, we did our own Olympics.
The Olympics started with trying to roast marshmallows in a raging bonfire while it was, get this, sprinkling out. Yes, it was sprinkling! The fire was so hot that the water evaporated before it could get too close to the flames. That was the hottest fire I think I've ever stood by. We had to stand like ten feet away so that our faces didn't cook. But, someone had the brilliant idea of roasting marshmallows. We took turns putting a sweatshirt over our arms and covering our hands and faces so that we didn't get burned. There was a chosen tree near the fire, about two feet away from it actually, that when it was your turn you stood behind. It blocked most of the heat. We had those little poker things that you put the marshmallow on, and then we reached out from behind the tree and stuck the marshmallow in the fire for as long as we could stand the heat. The first time I tried I could only keep it in for like three seconds, and that wasn't even over a flame. The next time I ignored my burning face and stuck the marshmallow into a big flame until it caught on fire and then I ran away from the bonfire, it was so HOT! My face felt like it was about to burst into flame. I do have a low heat tolerance anyway. Yes, from the marshmallow contest we moved to mooing. Like a cow. Yes. That is the truth. Honest, I swear. We stood on chopped wood and the stumps of trees that had been chopped down and we mooed at the cows, trying to make them moo back. They never did. And by this time it had went from sprinkling to an all-out downpour. It was sweet, I love the rain. Plus, the rain put out the evil-hot bonfire. :D
All in all, it was fun. I did have a good time even though I felt like an outsider and, vaguely, for some strange reason, I felt left out a lot of the time. And I was included, so that really doesn't make sense. But whatever. It was fun. I stayed up the whole night. Around 5:30 me Hannah and Lindsey actually had some real conversation, like about life and trials and then demons and angels. That was really nice. And then Hannah's mom came in after everyone had woken back up around 6 or 6:30, and she talked about exorcisms and stuff like that. It was cool. For some reason I didn't trust everything Lindsey and Danny said. Hannah, too, for that matter. But I did trust Hannah's mom and Emily, but Emily didn't say much. I really appreciated her talking about it, though.
After I came home, I was feeling nostalgic, that was the last time I'll get to see Hannah before she moves to Missouri. Isn't that terrible? We're gonna keep contact though, emails, IM, and probably actual mail, good ol' US Postal System, right? Like I said, she has a blog, so maybe she'll keep all of us updated. Who knows. Anyways, I was feeling kinda nostalgic, and Hannah gave me and all the others a present. She didn't want us opening them at her house, because she didn't want to see our reactions, and I also don't think she wanted us to know what the others got. Just a hunch, I don't know for sure. I opened the present when I got home, and I had to laugh. I wasn't expecting it, but it nearly made me cry. I'm not that soft though, and I didn't, but I know I'll miss Hannah. She gave me socks. Two shoe boxes full of socks. Now, that sounds stupid, right? Well, it's not. Hannah used to collect socks, and she gave me all of her favorite pairs, I think at least. She collected socks back in the day, and I collected tin foil. You know, from like chocolate candy? It was shiny and pretty! I still have my collection, I'm pretty sure. We were weird. I also collected erasers. Still have all of them, they are so cool, for some reason. And now I have Hannah's sock collection. No, I don't think I'll ever wear any of them, but she gave them to me. Made me feel special. She also, bless her, put in a brand new pair of socks just for me. Yes, I am going to miss the girl and all of her craziness. I really hope she finds some good, strong Christian friends down in Missouri, and that she doesn't feel too much pressure to change who she is.
Now, moving on to the title of this post, my brother is AWESOME! He just is. Like a fact. We usually don't get to do much together, because he works so much. He's like a workaholic. That's why he's not going out for a sport this year, he's going to work on a farm instead.
I just wanted to say that I think he is awesome. When we do do stuff together, it's always fun. We had to dig up all the rocks in part of the yard today because our dad said and he wants to till it up and plant grass there so maybe we can set up some sort of badminton thing, I'm hoping anyways, I like badminton. So me and my bro were digging up rocks and just talking, you know, nothing significant but it's still meaningful? It was like that. Then he went and got the Bobcat and started attacking the bigger rocks with it, trying to push and pull them up out of the soil they called home. It was just really cool. Every time he almost got one we'd look at each other and he'd make a face at me. Then he'd get one and cheer and so would I. It sounds pathetic here, but if you were there and were a sibling, then it would be awesome.
Then Rachel, my bro's girlfriend came over. Now they're doing something together, and later one of my bro's friends is coming over. It's kind of weird because his friend, Denny, is going to be sleeping over. They're going to go hunting tomorrow morning. I don't know what they're hunting, or even what's in season. Hopefully they'll get something though. My brother wants to fill a whole freezer with fish that he's caught and wild game. I'm hoping that when deer season comes around he'll get a big buck. That would make him really happy. Last year I don't think he got any deer. His first time deer-hunting he got a no-pointer. I mean, a doe. He was so excited. He goes hunting with one of his older friends from church. A lot older actually. Curt's married with three children. I used to think that Curt was like a second father to my brother, but now I understand they're just like any two same-aged buddies. It sounds like Curt gets kind of crazy, like he's a teenager again is the picture I get, when he's up north at the cabin and hunting. Even when he brings his I think six-year-old son with him and my bro.
They have fun though. So, that's like it.
For review, I had fun at the sleepover, my brother has fun hunting, and he is AWESOME!! I think that just about covers everything. Peace out, chaps!
Sharing my life with those who either don't have one or who are interested in what I have to say. For your sake I hope it's the latter. Kudos to you either way. ;D
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