You see, they possess a raw sound. It's incredibly refreshing to hear some raw rock instead of the overly digitalized and computer-perfected music that so many other bands have succumbed to. That does NOT mean their sound is bad quality. They have stellar sound, and the fact that it's real makes it that much better.
Lyrics. Now, they are very important to me. Bands can sound great, but have the worst lyrics. I need the lyrics to be up to par with the sound. TCC delivers. Plain and simple. The lyrics are raw as well, because why candy-coat life when we already know life is not a poof of cotton candy? Real problems, real life. Not corny. Approved.
Christian. Not under label, but in content. Of course, what do people expect from me anyways? I think it's funny that so many bands shun the 'Christian' label. But I have to agree with the various reasons, to name a few: alienation, not the entire band is committed in faith, all band members do not share a single soul, and my favorite 'How can an album be "saved"?'.
New band. They've only been around for a couple of years. Have the albums 'Albatross', 'The Silver Cord', and 'Acoustic EP: Seattle Sessions'. In February the next album is coming out, and I am stoked.
Touring! They were on tour with Relient K and OwlCity, some other bands too, but I can't think of them, and I was so upset I hadn't heard until after the tour was over.
That would've just about been my dream line-up.
Luckily they are going to be touring again in February for their new album, and I really hope they come to southern Minnesota so that I can see them. That would be incredible!
Music Videos! They are good! Weird, yes, but weird is good. Very much so, in fact. Abracadavers gets me every time. The Coldest Heart is pretty beautiful. I haven't watched Seattle yet, but I know it'll be good, I've seen little blurbs of it.

This is the awesome T-Shirt I want to get. Obviously it goes with the album 'The Silver Cord'. Very interesting, I like looking at it.
I will keep listening to them for years, I hope. If not, I will probably be dead.
Rock on, mi compadres.
May God keep you.